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Promoting Critical Thinking com     a _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b3b-cf5bblicar_cf

The Profile of Students leaving compulsory schooling (2017) requires that young people, after 12 years of schooling, master the different literacies, critically analyze and question reality, be able to evaluate and select information, formulate hypotheses and make informed decisions, have collaborative work skills and communication skills.

The main objective of this project  was to train students  to be critically literate, enabling them to analyze and question reality, evaluate and select the plethora of information available and make informed decisions. The  team of the School Library, at collaboration with teachers of different subjects, they organized and developed collaborative learning activities with the aim of cumulatively promoting  digital literacies and critical thinking.

It was assumed that Digital Literacy and Critical Thinking skills are better developed through inquiry, exploration and investigation of themes and problems integrated in the specific curriculum of subjects, hoping to also contribute, in this way, to the improvement of school results. Priority was given  to the production of materials to guide the work of teachers, informative actions and work with students in the school library in collaboration with class teachers. 

As working methods with the students, we chose the Guided Inquiry and the principles and strategies of Cooperative Learning.

On this page, we share the constructed materials, used resources, worksheets, evaluation rubrics and other useful elements for those who want to start in this work methodology that, through close collaboration with the teachers, allowed the students to acquire digital and critical thinking. 

Guided Search - Resources

Equipe do negócio

Instructor Team

2. Explore

abra o livro

1. open


3. Dive

Trabalho digital

4. Identify


5. Collect

Guia de pesquisa 

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